Thursday, March 25, 2010


With my free hour of spare time I decided to escape downtown and consume a delicious BLT from Sam's instead of trying my luck in the dining hall. The retirees of Chestertown sit at the chess table, arguing blithely about health care with their mugs of coffee. According to them, those who cannot afford healthcare only can't because they spend all their money on "cell phones and cigarettes." Great.

Another rejection via email today from Southeast Review, with another yesterday from Virginia Tech after I remembered my logon password to check my application status. With VTech, my grad school results look like this:

Penn State
Chatham University

University of Alabama
Indiana University
University of Montana
Virginia Tech

Jury Out:
Florida State University

While the two "jury out" schools don't matter so much anymore, as I accepted my offer at Penn State, I would still like to know the verdict. Closure always brings a better peace of mind.

I cannot wait to head back to my home state for grad school. While I desperately needed to get out of PA for undergrad, I now miss the Appalachians. Soon I'll be nestled in between mountains in a college town that could fit at least 3 Chestertowns inside of it, pursuing my MFA in poetry and, afterward, my PhD. Besides the wonderful environment, I don't have to pay a dime for it, which, at the grad school level, I think education should be - no crippling debt, minimum payments, or panic-inducing stress for an advanced degree.

Tonight: vocal consort, and the first open dress rehearsal of Spring Awakening. To anyone familiar with the musical, the play has a darker undertone and absolutely no singing. Sorry. Fun fact: Jonathan Franzen, who translated Wedekind, spoke for Sophie Kerr weekend 2006, back when I was a perspective student. Everything is connected.

Delving back into the fray.